CGS Hospital - Dr. Vikash Singh Chauhan

CGS Hospital Dr. Vikash Singh Chauhan Assistant Director Dr. Vikash Singh Chauhan graduated from Veterinary College, Bangalore in 2009, after which he earned his masters in the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology from LLRUVAS, Hisar. He worked in companion animal practice in Delhi and Chandigarh for three years before he joined CGS Hospital in 2013. He is been trained in Veterinary Diagnostic Endoscopy and Surgical Laparoscopy in Germany in 2016 and Small Animal Computed Tomography (CT scan) in Italy in 2019 by the European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies. He is trained in Veterinary Cardiology and Orthopaedics by the finest veterinarians from USA and Europe. His best fields are Radiology (CT scan, Ultrasonography, Echocardiography, and X-ray), Veterinary Diagnostic Endoscopy, Abdominal and Thoracic Laparoscopic surgery, Orthopaedics, and Soft tissue surgery. He is a member of the American College of Veterinary Radiology (ACVR) and the Internatio...